Want to attract a Valentine’s Day sweetheart? Don’t snore! Over 25% in the USA said that they are annoyed or angry at a bed partner that snores. This is from a survey done by the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine. The study showed that 20% said that a partner who snores could/would drive them to sleep elsewhere. So, Americans, …
Low REM Sleep Time–Higher AFib Risk
Sleep apnea may have a link to atrial fibrillation (AFib), which increases stroke risk, dementia risk, heart attack rick, and even death. A University of California – San Francisco study showed decreased REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep-stage 5 of sleep-is linked to higher chances of development of AFib. A person needs about 120 minutes (2 hours) of REM every night. …
Nose Breathing May Benefit the Brain
Lately more experiments have looked at how breathing influences our cognition, especially memory. The Journal of Neuroscience published a study in October, 2018 that looked at the relationship between our memory and our method of breathing—through the nose or through the mouth. Many studies show that as rodents sniff anything including odorless air it starts activity in the brain by …
Heart Risk for Women and Snoring
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) which is characterized by pauses in breathing while sleeping and snoring, may cause heart function problems sooner in females that in males. women than in men, according to a study (which included almost 5,000 participants) at a Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) meeting. And what is more important, the study suggested that OSA is not …
Always Tired??
You don’t want to live this way. You really want to thrive and this tiredness just gets in the way! Is it the busy schedule, the job, the kids, the weather, etc.? And you don’t feel any better if go to bed early or take naps? And you’re still overly exhausted all the time? Nothing seems to help! This could …
Impact of the Nose on Treatment for Sleep Apnea
The slightest increase in resistance in the nose can cause big problems for those people who are being treated for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) with either CPAP or a dental device. This increase can be caused by a lot of different things. A deviated septum, polyps, large turbinates, broken nose, allergies, etc. Anything that slows down the flow of air …
DNA And Lack of Sleep
You desperately want to be healthy and thrive. Lack of sleep can cause your DNA to be altered and this may lead to disease. The University of Helsinki, the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, and the National Institute for Health and Welfare got together in a study to compare those with sufficient sleep and those with insufficient sleep. They extracted …
Is Removal of Tonsils and/or Adenoids Right for Children?
Tonsils are located in the back of the throat and adenoids are located behind the nose. The are a filter for bugs (bacteria and viruses) to help protect against infections. In many people, they shrink by the age of 6 or 7 but not in all people. I am one of those who had to have them removed. They used …
Do You Have Night Sweats?
About 80% of middle-aged women have hot flashes and night sweats, which researchers have discovered may is some way be associated with increased risk of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This information is found in a study published in the journal Menopause. Women with high blood pressure and obesity (BMI over 30), as well as women of normal weight are at …