The Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) has been considered the “gold standard” to treat people that have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and is usually the first choice prescribed by medical doctors. But is it the “best” treatment for you?? The patient has to wear a specially designed mask that covers the face or nose or an insert …
Hurt Your Relationship – Snore!
Want to attract a Valentine’s Day sweetheart? Don’t snore! Over 25% in the USA said that they are annoyed or angry at a bed partner that snores. This is from a survey done by the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine. The study showed that 20% said that a partner who snores could/would drive them to sleep elsewhere. So, Americans, …
One Patient’s Story—SNORING—Part 1
The doctor said I could die after he found out that I snored. It was just another routine physical, but it was the first time a doctor had asked me about my snoring. He said I might not make it to my next birthday if I didn’t get it treated. It devastated my wife and me!! I had snored as …
Stop Snoring or Die
Snoring is more than just loud noise—it is a warning sign of a bigger problem that has serious consequences. Pain is more than just something to get rid of; it is a warning sign of something more serious. Pain may be from a cut that may become infected—it may be from a tooth that has an abscess—it may be from …
One Patient’s Story—SNORING—Part 2
This week we will see what Dr. Joe had to say—After the patient told the doctor about all his failed attempts to stop the “chainsaw” snoring. He suggested that I see a qualified dentist and have an oral device made. They move your lower jaw forward and pull your tongue off of the back of your throat. It’s the tongue …