Children with Sleep Apnea – Part 2

Possible Causes of Sleep Apnea in Infants It’s possible that there are different causes for infant sleep apnea.  The infant only needs to stop breathing once an hour during sleep to be diagnosed with sleep apnea.  Medical reasons could be responsible for the sleep apnea. Early diagnosis is therefore very important so that proper treatment can be started.  The possible …

Sleep Apnea Blamed for 2 Train Crashes

The National Transportation Safety Board’s investigators attribute the train accident at the Hoboken Terminal in New Jersey and the train accident at the Atlantic Terminal in Brooklyn, New York to untreated, undiagnosed sleep apnea.  The engineers fell asleep at the wheel; the crashes killed one person, injured over 200, and caused millions of dollars of damage. Sleep apnea is a …

Cancer has been linked to sleep apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common disorder that causes snoring, fatigue, daytime tiredness and dangerous pauses in breathing at night.  It has been linked to cancer. About 28 million Americans have moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea; and about 90 percent of these people are not even aware that they have it. The “Wisconsin Sleep Cohort Study” results were …

Alzheimer’s Brain Plaques

Does the brain clean Alzheimer’s plaques out while you sleep??  Does sleep deprivation prevent the brain from cleaning these plaques out? Sleep may be called the “clean cycle” for the brain to clean out sticky proteins called amyloid-beta protein fragments that can stick together in the brain.  These plaques are present as a hallmark in Alzheimer’s disease which is the most …

Impact of the Nose on Treatment for Sleep Apnea

The slightest increase in resistance in the nose can cause big problems for those people who are being treated for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) with either CPAP or a dental device.  This increase can be caused by a lot of different things.  A deviated septum, polyps, large turbinates, broken nose, allergies, etc.  Anything that slows down the flow of air …